"Every child is an artist, an artist a grown-up child" - Pablo Picasso (1881 – 1973)

Rembrandt and Potiphar's Wife

“That’s me out of here then, no more Rembrandt, society painter.’” The story of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife the biblical figure whom the wife of a top Pharaoh official tried unsuccessfully to seduce, is a favourite motif in Renaissance painting. Rembrandt treated the theme in an etching of 1634. The National Gallery of Art, Washington has a Rembrandt oil on canvas of 1655 treating the same subject. In Matthew's version of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife the landscape in the background is Cap Esterel seen from the hills of Monaco. Behind Rembrandt’s seducer, above the unmade bed is the painting, Satyrs and Nymphs. You can view the original of this rare painting by the ill-fated Dutch artist Johannes Torrentius (1589 - 1644) who was arrested and died in a Dutch prison, at, http://artmontecarlo.com/upload/98-Fauns%20and%20Nymphs%20by%20Johannes%20Torrentius-La rge-0602-126.jpg.

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