"Old Masters fetch a much better price than old mistresses" - Lord Beaverbrook (1879 – 1964)

 Consult Matthew Moss

How much will it cost to commission the artist Matthew Moss?
How long will it take?
Will I own the copyright?
How does Matthew Moss deliver the final work of art?
How do I know that I will like what I get?
Can I ask for changes if I do not like the art work?
How do I pay for the work?
Can I speak to the artist Matthew Moss directly?
Will I own the original artwork?
What does the artist Matthew Moss need to know from me?
How much will it cost to commission the artist Matthew Moss?
Internationally known artists charge according to how an image is going to be used, rather than a specific hourly rate. Therefore, the fee to commission an original portrait or landscape painting in oils on canvas or an original watercolour will be different to the fee to create an image needed for a local, national or international merchandising campaign or publication. If you want to seek advice from Matthew about an old painting that is in poor condition and possibly needs restoration your consultation is free.
How long will it take?
Matthew Moss is an established professional painter who can work to a tight schedule. Tell him when you need the work of art. Plan for unforeseen problems, for example, your need to see the work in progress and eventual revisions you may need. Matthew will complete the painting within the agreed time frame.
Will I own the copyright?
When you commission the artist Matthew Moss you will have arranged to pay him a fee to create and license the use of the image for an agreed specific purpose. You will obtain ‘first use’ that is the right to publish the image before anyone else on one occasion. Naturally, you can obtain additional rights if you need them later.
How does Matthew Moss deliver the final work of art?
Matthew delivers his original Fine-Art oil paintings on canvas much the same way that Leonardo da Vinci or Rembrandt, in their day, delivered their Masterpieces to their patrons. You can ask him to send your final work of art images that are in digital format as high-resolution RGB drum scans on DVD or efficient and quick E-Mail or FTP uploads. You can ask him, also, when commissioning the project, to create you an original transparency (slide) of the image in 6 x 6 cm. (2¼ in.) format. You may require an original transparency images of the original work of art when you need extremely high resolution configurations, in art-book publishing for example.
How do I know that I will like what I get?
Matthew Moss is an internationally known artist. He has been mentioned in Readers Digest and appeared on the front page of the Sydney Morning Herald. Important paintings by the artist are in the Monaco Royal Palace permanent collection and owned by the Government of Ireland. The late Senator Robert Kennedy was also a collector of Matthew's paintings. All works of art he creates are of a similar standard and level of professionalism to the paintings you see on ArtMonteCarlo.com.

Contact Matthew Moss

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Can I ask for changes if I do not like the art work?
Matthew sends you, for each commissioned work of art, ‘work in progress’ photographs of images and sketches or rough layouts in email PDF format. These, and the final work of art will correspond to reasonable quality expectations and be in his distinctive style. You can inspect his technique on ArtMonteCarlo.com.
He will accommodate your requests for a change to the sketch or layouts where the request does not involve a significant alteration to the ‘work in progress’ or to the completed work of art. Major changes to the work of art are treated as a new commission. New , ‘work in progress’ images and sketches or rough layouts to reflect this major change will attract charges.
‘Work in progress’ photograph images and sketches or rough layouts Matthew sends you cannot be published, printed or otherwise distributed without the prior and written consent of the artist Matthew Moss. The artist will charge you a 50% ‘kill fee’ if you decide not to proceed beyond the photograph images, PDF sketches and/or rough layouts he sent you. In the event you decide not to use the finished artwork as licensed, you are still liable for the full fee.
How do I pay for the work?
Matthew takes 50% of the full fee when he receives your instructions and 50% when he signs-off the work of art.
Can I speak to the artist Matthew Moss directly?
Certainly, when you feels that talking to the Matthew will help the creative process.
Will I own the original artwork?
If you commission the artist Matthew Moss specifically to create an original oil painting or watercolour for private use, for example, to hang in a private or corporate location you, naturally, receive the original work of art. The commission fee does not include a copyright license.
If you need the artwork for publishing, advertising, marketing or other merchandising purposes you are buyingthe creation and licensing of the image, not the painting itself. This is because Matthew may create the work of art entirely or partially in digital format.
What does the artist need to know from me?
Provide Matthew with as much information as possible of the final image you need. Try to give him reference materials, such as copy to be illustrated, information about the scene (it could be a prized racehorse in a landscape setting) or buildings you want to commission him to paint. In the case of a portrait the time when the person being painted will be available for live sittings. Preliminary information helps the artist Matthew Moss complete the project successfully.